Let's join the circus

Maria Irizarry
Ac230 Lab 12
Professor - Jen
January 10

Grade Level - 2/3

Subjects - Art/History

While doing research students will learn about animals, circus skills, acrobatics act, preparing stage, writing script.

This information will be in a power point presentation format with the teacher’s help for students to observe and rehearse the various acts and performance.



We are going to join the Circus! We will be Ring Masters, Acrobats, Clowns and we will be learning about many other people that work in the Circus. You will be learning about all the hard work and collaboration that takes for a circus to bring you joy. It brings you so much happiness but it takes a lot of people and a lot of work to put it together.


* You will gather information from books and bring them to class; we will also go to the library and use the computer to research information. Once we put all the information together we will be working together in my computer to prepare a power point presentation, you will be reading along with me as we enter the information in my computer (will bring my computer to school that day). Information to will be gather on:

a) Circus skills
b) Acrobatics skills
c) Clowns
d) Animals act
e) Many other jobs and acts that goes on during the show

* After entering information in a power point format, these will be used to learn and rehears the various acts and performances.


At the end of the month, the show must go on. Parents will be invited to the grand opening of P.S 65 Circus. The greatest show on earth!




Evaluation will be based on: Interest, gathering of information, performance and participation.

Students will be recognized at the time of the show and will be rewarded by the parent’s applause.


At the end of the month students have interact with one another and practice a lot of team work. There are many lessons to be learned during this project. Reading, Writing,
Arts, Performance and will also learn about the animals in the circus. How to develop and put together a circus act

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